LÓPEZ PIGUEIRAS, present at the international fair of 100% wood products, held in Nantes on June 1, 2 and 3, 2022
Four years later, the international reference fair for the wood sector has been held again: Carrefour International du Bois. This year, breaking all records, with more than 600 exhibitors from 40 different countries and 14,000 visitors, according to data from the event organizer itself.
We have wanted to be there, as on other occasions, to show our customers and distributors in first person all the construction possibilities that we offer them, not only in flooring, but also the accessories that accompany it (skirting boards, curves, stair nosings...) so that the result, both visually and in terms of quality, is optimal.
On this occasion, in addition, we highlight the SUCUPIRA as an interesting alternative for Deckings, since it has great technical qualities and a lower price than the IPE, as we have pointed out to the digital newspaper "Madera Sostenible", making it clear that they are two different products.
During the three days of the event, people from different parts of the world have passed through our stand, from France, of course, to countries in Africa, India, Brazil...