López Pigueiras works day by day to offer a product WHOSE ESSENCE IS QUALITY.
The inherent characteristics of natural wood, coupled with a demanding manufacturing process, based on qualitative criteria, result in a high performance and durable product.
All our wood floors are made of wood from , FORESTS MANAGED RESPONSIBLY, meeting all the guarantees of origin demanded by the European legislation europea EUTR.
- We fully control the quality of the product in each phase.
- We improveits traits with the process of drying, pre-brushing and moulding.
We protect each piece with treatments that provide maximum durability:
* Varnishing of 8 layers (indoor wood floors) and staining with Sikkens (outdoor wood floors).
We have our own packaging system, based on combinations of lengths for the same package, which optimize as much as possible its storage and implementation.
Our technical office works to offer personalized solutions to architecture and interior design professionals, making their ideas come to life. We have considerable experience in public and residential work, always responding to the most demanding requirements and increasing the chances of success.
As manufacturers of natural wood flooring, we are well aware of the importance of the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPORTANCE of RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION:
- It contributes to mitigating climate change, as it helps to regenerate forests. Young trees reduce CO2 levels to a greater extent and increase the release of O2.
- Wood used for construction acts as a “carbon store” for centuries. Moreover, in comparison with other construction materials, it produces the smallest quantity of greenhouse gases in its manufacturing process.
- It increases the surface area of forests in Europe.
- It prevents tropical deforestation and creates employment in developing areas.
Our products hold all the necessary legal permits at origin and sustainability certificates, such as the FSC® certification (enquire about our FSC® products with licence code FSC015217). They are also certified by the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) and by other corresponding bodies in their place of origin, such as IBAMA in Brazil.
These three videos explain the important reasons why RESPONSIBLE WOOD USE has, nowadays, become an ENVIRONMENTAL GOOD.
We have also produced a STUDY ON A PMFS (Sustainable Forest Management Plan), with data from real logging to demonstrate how to sustainably manage a tropical forest.
"The application of visual wood surfaces indoors contributes to reduce stress and promote health in building occupants"
according to the University of British Columbia and FPInnovations.
In addition to the great thermal and acoustic benefits that natural wood provides for homes, recent studies have shown the close relationship that exists between WOOD, HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE.
The UNE (a Spanish standard) for the wood sector are a series of numbered technological regulations that guarantee compliance with quality requirements during manufacture and in the development of products and services.
It is a totally reliable standard, with legal status, as the regulations are stipulated for all of the different groups affected by the wood sector (manufacturers, consumers and users, public authorities, laboratories and research centres), and the certifying body AENOR.
These regulations are also valid at international level as they are included in the ISO standard (from the International Standards Organisation), a network of institutes for national standards in 157 countries.
López Pigueiras S.A. complies with all of these standards covering the management and manufacturing processes for its products.
• UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015:
Quality Management Systems. Requirements.
• UNE-EN 13756:2003:
Wooden floors. Terminology.
• UNE-EN 13226:2003:
Wooden floors. Elements of solid parquet with slots and/or grooves.
• UNE-EN 1910:2000:
Wooden and parquet floors, and wood coverings for walls and ceilings. Determination of dimensional stability.
• UNE-EN 13647:2003:
Wooden and parquet floors, and wood coverings for interior and exterior walls. Determination of geometrical characteristics.
• UNE-EN 14342:2006:
Wooden floors. Characteristics, evaluation of compliance and marking.
• UNE 56810:2004:
Wooden floors. Installation. Specifications.
• UNE 56823:2008:
Exterior wooden flooring. Installation. Specifications.
• UNE-EN 13501-1:2007:
Classification according to behaviour with fire for construction products and elements used in building work. Part 1: Classification based on data obtained in fire reaction tests.
• UNE-EN ISO 2808:2007:
Paints and varnishes. Determination of particle thickness.
• UNE-ENV 13696:2001:
Wooden and parquet floors. Determination of elasticity and resistance to abrasion.
• UNE-EN ISO 4624:2003:
Paints and varnishes. Test for adherence by traction.
• UNE-EN ISO 2409:2007:
Paints and varnishes. Grid cutting test.
• UNE 56817:1974:
Wooden floors. Surface finish control. Impact resistance test.
• UNE-EN ISO 11998:2007:
Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to dry rubbing and suitability for washing of surface coverings.
• UNE-EN 13442:2003:
Wooden and parquet floors and interior and exterior wall coverings in wood. Determination of resistance to chemical agents.
• UNE-ENV 12633:2003:
Method for determining the value of resistance to sliding/slipping for polished and unpolished paving materials.